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CD-ROM Products

JVC Personal ROMmaker/JVC Personal Archiver

JVC Information Products of America

The Personal ROMmaker is a system solution that incorporatescomprehensive CDROM premastering software capabilities with the featuresof the JVC recordable CD-ROM drive. The complete desktop system providesa simple and affordable solution for UNIX users wanting to create CD-ROMSin the ISO 9660, ISO 9660/Rock Ridge, Hi-Sierra, or native UNIX filesystems format.

Language: C C++
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.3,2.4

JVC Information Products of America
17811 Mitchell Ave
Irvine, CA 92714
Phone: (714) 261-1292
Fax: (714) 261-9690